Pragmatic Meanings on Deixis in the Song Lyrics of Anne-Marie’s Speak Your Mind Album


  • M. Aufa Bima Hidayat Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang
  • Ria Kamilah Agustina Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang



This study aims to analyze the types of deixis and the pragmatic meaning of the lyrics of the song. Some of the problems asked in this research are to find the type of deixis, the dominant type of deixis and pragmatic meanings in the song lyrics in "Speak Your Mind" Album. This research used qualitative methods with a pragmatic approach based on the theory of Cruse (2006) and Duchan (2012) to answer the research questions. The data obtained were from twelve songs on the album which were then classified into types of deixis based on their respective criteria. The researcher chose the song on the album "Speak Your Mind" as the research data because of the popularity of the song among millennials. The results of this study indicated that types of deixis such as people's deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis were used in songs except for the eleventh which did not contain social deixis and the first and second songs which did not contain discourse deixis. In this study, the most dominant type is temporal deixis. Of the twelve songs, the first eleven songs with pragmatic meanings conveyed by the singer are about his love story with his girlfriend, while the twelve songs have pragmatic meanings about the singer's imagination. Implications of the results of the research for English language teaching is discussed.




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