Integrating Teaching English and Science by Implementing Project Based Learning for Elementary Pre-service Teachers


  • Elinda Umisara Universitas Muhadi Setiabudi
  • Irfan Fauzi Institut Pendidikan dan Bahasa Invada



Learning English as a foreign language (EFL) and science which has abstract concepts basically have problems for preservice teachers in the learning process. The problems can be solved by a project-based learning approach that adopts constructivist learning. In this research, the researchers integrate technology to create project-based learning. Smart apps creator (SAC) is the media that the researchers choose. The aims of this study are to investigate how Project-Based Learning (PjBL) solves the preservice teachers’ problems like understanding the abstract concept of science. To investigate how PjBL solves preservice teachers’ problems in learning English, especially speaking. To identify how preservice teachers respond to this study. In the form of collecting the data, the researchers use the triangulation method. The results of the study showed that the activities of project-based learning give a significant effect on the participant’s understanding of the abstract concept of science and it can solve the preservice teachers’ problems in speaking pronunciation and fluency cases. The participants gave good responses through project-based learning and admitted that project-based learning can increase participants' knowledge, vocabulary, and self-confidence to speak English.


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