The narrative inquiry of a pre-service teacher in developing experienced teacher lesson plan with


  • Mutia Indah Sari Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


This study aims to reports on my experience in developing lesson plan together with an experienced English teacher by paying attention to the learner identity. It looks specifically at to how does the collaboration between pre-service teacher-student in developing lesson plan and experienced English teacher affect the student-teacher’s identity. This research took place at one of the Senior High School in Karawang, I as a participant taught in class XII and the research approach used was narrative inquiry to tell my experience about developing lesson plan than for the data used reflective journal looking at learner identity that would serve as self-reflection. The findings of this study indicate that in developing the learning plan it can be seen from the learner identity factor when I teach. By seeing the learning objectives, teaching strategies and supporting facilities and infrastructure for learning can lead to learning comfort, and the teacher can be more varied in choosing a learning model and also the supporting facilities and infrastructure used.

Keywords: Learner identity, lesson plan, and pre-service teacher.



