Students’ Behavioral, Emotional, and Cognitive Engagement in Learning Vocabulary through Flipped Classroom


  • Ipah Latipah Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


The study aimed to find out the students behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagements in learning vocabulary through flipped classroom. This research used micro ethnography classroom as the research design. The participants of this research were four female and one male of seventh grade students in Junior School. Data were collected through interview, reflective journal, and artifact. The findings showed that students positively engaged in terms of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. In behavioral engagement, students showed high effort to study English through watching video before the class and they do the task very well. They were more active to participate in learning activities such as asking questions, paying attention, and showing enthusiasm in learning English. In emotional engagement, most of the students give positive reactions. The students were enjoyable and happy to study English. In cognitive engagement the students showed their willingness to learn the material by watching and analyzing that video for answering some questions which are related to the material. They also followed the class discussion and participated for answering question in front of the class when the teacher asks some questions during the teaching and learning process.


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