EFL Students’ Perception Toward Google Classroom-Mediated Essay Writing


  • Titis Arum Septiani Septiani


            This study aimed to investigate students’ perception about online learning using Google Classroom, especially in writing learning. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires. Researcher collected around 35 participants EFL students at university in Karawang for questionnaire and 7 participants for interview. Researcher analyzed the data used descriptive analysis technique. The result reveal that there are positive and negative statements. Students are agree with the statement which states that Google Classroom is useful and makes it easy to use, easy to send assignments, receive the information or material and also paperless. But the lack of using Google Classroom as an online learning platform is they cannot understand well the material because the explanation is cannot be received maximally. For this reason, researchers provide related suggestions that can help teachers or students in order tobe better of use Google Classroom maximally.

Keywords : google classroom, writing, online learning, students’ perception.



