The Utilization of Schoology as Learning Management System in Learning Writing Instruction


  • Dendi Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang


Learning Management System (LMS) usually utilized by various teachers is Schoology, this media is available to give sources and discussion for online learning. The purpose of this research was to investigate the implementation of Schoology for learning descriptive writing and the problems that are faced by students while using it. This research used qualitative data research with basic interpretative studies design. The participants were from 6 female students at eleven grades in SMK Bhinneka Karawang. The data were collected from online observation, online interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed as thematic analysis throughout data condensation steps, data display steps, and drawing/verifying steps. The result showed that the main features used for implementing LMS in Schoology for learning descriptive writing such as The updates menu to give sources about descriptive text and discuss them, the Materials menu to create multiple choice and create descriptive writing, and the Attendance menu for checking the students’ attendance that teacher used. In addition, the researcher found that almost all students faced a bad network connection and some students had difficulties operating it while using Schoology in learning descriptive writing. Thus, the media is useful for teachers and students for the learning activities further. The schools could be utilized as an innovative media. Other researchers expect that this research can help as a resource to study further.

Keywords: Learning Management System, Schoology, Writing, Students’ Experienced



