This is an outdated version published on 2022-08-05. Read the most recent version.

Instagram Media Exposure xposure on Followers Klabinaria Subang

(Quantitative Descriptive Study of Instagram Media Exposure to Subang Klabinaria Followers)


  • Fitriyani Fitri Universitas Subang



This study aims to determine how much Instagram media exposure is to Klabinaria Subang's
followers.This study uses the concept of media exposure by Rakhmat by measuring 3
indicatorsof media exposure including frequency, attention and duration by Elvinaro. This
research uses quantitative description research method. Respondents in this study were
Instagram followers @klabinariasubang, totaling 95 respondents. With sampling technique
non probability samplinguses the Slovin formula, for data collection obtained through library
research observations, questionnaires, and interviews. After doing the research, the results
showed that the value of the indicator of the frequency of exposure to the Klabnaria Subang
Instagram media that of 95 respondents gave a high interval value with a percentage of
68.84%, the value of the attention indicator of Klabnaria Subang Instagram media exposure
that of 95 respondents gave a high interval value with a percentage of 71.70% , the value of
the Klabnaria Subang Instagram mediaexposure indicator value that out of 95 respondents
gave a high interval value with a percentageof 47.69%.

Keywords : media exposure, instagram, followers


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2022-08-02 — Updated on 2022-08-05


How to Cite

Fitri, F. (2022). Instagram Media Exposure xposure on Followers Klabinaria Subang: (Quantitative Descriptive Study of Instagram Media Exposure to Subang Klabinaria Followers). Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM), 4(1). (Original work published August 2, 2022)


