Barometer <p><strong>BAROMETER</strong> has been published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang since 1998. Then there was no issuance, and it was reissued in July 2016 with Vol.01 No.01.<strong> BAROMETER</strong> <strong>is printed in hardcopy with ISSN. 1979-889X and in softcopy form with e-ISSN. 2549-9041</strong>. <strong>BAROMETER</strong> publishes scientific articles that are the results of research, scientific studies / scientific studies/thought results, and analysis/problem-solving in industries relevant to engineering science, which have never been published anywhere. Articles submitted to BAROMETER must be free from Plagiarism and Autoplagiarsm.</p> <p><strong>BAROMETER</strong> aims to encourage research in engineering studies, and articles published related to the field of engineering. Topics related to the area of engineering include:</p> <ol> <li>Quality Of Engineering &amp; Management; Supply Chain Management; Operations Research; Decision support system; Artificial Intelligence; Production System; Industry Management; Ergonomics.</li> <li>Engineering Materials; Energy Conversion, Engineering Design and Tribology; Production Process; CAD/CAM; CNC; Control Systems and Robotics; Mechanical Vibration; Metrology and Quality Control; and Computation.</li> <li>Phenomenon transfer and operating units Chemical Engineering, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, Design, Modelling, and Process Optimization, Energy and conversion technology, Thermodynamics, process, and production system engineering, particulate and emulsion technology, membrane technology, material development, food and bioprocess technology, waste treatment technology, oil and gas technology.</li> <li>Power Systems, Renewable energy, computer engineering, biomedical engineering, energy conversion, high voltage engineering, electronics, control, and telecommunications.</li> <li>Water and Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Management, Solid waste and B3, Air pollution and Noise, Resilience and Mitigation, Sanitation and Environmental Health.</li> <li>Other topics related to the field of engineering.</li> </ol> <p> </p> Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang en-US Barometer 1979-889X STORAGE DESIGN OF HARVESTED DRY GRAIN AND RICE WITH PASSIVE ENERGY BUILDING <p><em>Passive design is a way to save energy through the passive use of solar energy, that is, without converting solar energy into electrical energy.&nbsp; the passive design relies more on the ability of engineers how the design of the building itself can "anticipate" external climate problems.&nbsp; In Indonesia as a tropical region, cooling systems and lighting systems are the largest contributors to building energy consumption, accounting for 24.7% and 16% respectively of the total building energy consumption. The purpose of this research is to do storage modeling using the passive energy method.&nbsp; The procedure is carried out with a combination of energy calculations around storage and CAD.&nbsp; CAD software is used to create 3D solid surface drawings and shapes.&nbsp; Then draw several options for the air openings that will be used. The results showed that based on the month of observation, the value of heat energy that occurred in the storage of dry harvested grain and rice with passive energy buildings was lower and heat energy was higher in June.&nbsp; Therefore, the solution for choosing the type of opening in January is required an opening percentage of 25% and for June, an opening with a percentage of 50% is required).</em></p> Jojo Sumarjo Sumarjo siswadi siswadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 9 2 91 98 10.35261/barometer.v9i2.11233 STUDY OF I-CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA <p><em>Development will never stop, continue to grow and develop in accordance with the demands of human needs and the times. The rapid development growth in Indonesia needs to be supported by the development of innovation in the world of construction which is felt to have a far more positive impact on workers. Work in the construction sector is always limited by deadlines and costs but must produce work of good quality. One of the new innovations is the application of technology in the world of construction towards the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, namely i-Construction. I-Construction is a method that can increase productivity by utilizing IT, IoT, spatial information processing technology, robotization technology, etc. </em>[4]<em>. With i-Construction it can enable more readiness and efficiency thereby increasing productivity. This research was conducted using the bibliometric method in national and international journals and scientific articles, observing the construction industry in Indonesia. From the research it was found that i-Construction in the construction industry in Indonesia had only started in the last few years, which was marked by the limited application of i-Construction. The Indonesian government is also still lacking in investing in the research and development sector in terms of construction technology. These findings are expected to be the basis for initiating the application of i-Construction in the Indonesian construction industry.</em></p> Amalia Sugiarto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 9 2 72 80 10.35261/barometer.v9i2.8680 EVALUATION OF SOLID MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT IN PACKAGE AND STORAGE AT HOSPITAL X KARAWANG REGENCY <p>Medical waste, as one of the hazardous waste, must be managed properly to avoid significant negative effects to the environment. Medical waste management overall involves reduction, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of waste. Hospital X, as a generator of medical waste, is responsible to implement reduction and storage of medical waste. This article aims to do deep evaluate the medical waste management of Hospital X, especially in terms of packaging and waste storage where this kind of evaluation has not been implemented yet in previous reseearch. This study includes as descriptive research which conducted data collection technique through observation and interview with manager of health and safety environment and also the cleaning service of Hospital X. Primary data includes medical waste management of Hospitall X which will be evaluated descriptively its compatibility based on Law of Minister of Environmental Republik Indonesia 56/2015. The evaluation results that medical waste packaging procedures comply with requirements of Minister of Environment Regulation 56/2015. However, medical waste storage evaluation reveals two things that do not comply with the regulation: (1) location of storage area is prone to flooding and (2) storage room has insufficient lighting. Hospital X needs to do some mitigation such expand drainage for water storage, redesign storage area and add lights to the storage room. Medical waste management of Hospital X are continuously being improved. This shown from interview result with personal who handling medical waste and environmental health manager of hospital. The result indicating that training and monitoring-evaluation is held routinely in Hospital X.</p> Venny Ulya Bunga Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 9 2 81 90 10.35261/barometer.v9i2.11461 the Initiation of Direct Contact Heat Exchanger Addition at the Evaporation Station of the X Sugar Mill <p><em>White crystal sugar is one of the plantation commodities that is widely produced because it is widely consumed by the people of Indonesia. White crystalline sugar at Sugar X Factory is made from sugarcane sap which has gone through the refining stage into clear sap and then concentrated using an evaporator to become thick sap, where thick sap will become white crystalline sugar after crystallization. In the process of converting clear sap into viscous sap, it requires quite a lot of steam in the evaporator, causing the used steam in the Sugar Factory to be consumed more by the Evaporation Station. In fact, in the Sugar X factory, many steam has not been able to thicken the clear sap to the maximum due to the considerable workload.</em> <em>This is because the incoming temperature is very low, so the temperature must be raised in order to reach the flash point to evaporate. A direct contact heat exchanger equipment needs to be installed before entering the evaporator at the Evaporation Station of the X Sugar Factory. The purpose of this research is to obtain a direct contact heat exchanger or DCHE design which will then be installed at the X Sugar Factory Evaporation Station.</em> To obtain the desired direct contact heat exchanger design, actual data, literature data, and assumption data are needed. Based on calculations, this DCHE has an outer diameter of 1,062 meters with a height of 8,628 meters. Based on calculations, this DCHE has an outer diameter of 1,062 meters with a height of 8,628 meters. After calculation, it was found that this tool can save used steam consumption as much as 14,467 tons / hour and can increase the capacity of the tool from 5,622 TCD to 6,371 TCD, so that this equipment is considered feasible in terms of economy and use for use as a preheater before entering the evaporator of the Evaporation Station.</p> Hanifah Madriyah Intan Permata Sari Cintiya Septa Hasannah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 9 2 64 71 10.35261/barometer.v9i2.10205