About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM), namely Communication Studies, includes media and journalism studies, audio and audio visual broadcasting studies, public relations studies and communication management. However, it does not close for studies related to other communication sciences.

Peer Review Process

Publishers accept manuscripts that have never been published by other media.

Each submitted article will be reviewed by two reviewers from Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) and one reviewer partner’s reviewer. Furthermore, the article script will be edited for the sake of uniformity of rules and writing format. The decision to issue, amend or reject will be made based on recommendations from reviewers and partners’ reviewer.

Publishing Frequency

Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) is published twice a year in the following months:

December - June

Publication Ethics

Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) is a journal that is managed professionally by the Communication Studies Program at Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, by upholding the principles of scientific publication, privacy, and copyright. Every published article must meet the criteria of the Writing Guidelines and the scope of the journal. Articles are written by authors who are competent in their fields and sourced from the results of studies/research. Each article contains the values ​​of novelty, originality, and utility.

To improve the quality of the journal and the professionalism of the authors, editors, peer reviewers and journal managers, "Scientific Publication Ethics" has been established. This scientific publication ethics is expected to avoid malpractice in journal publishing and be safe from copyright infringement, such as duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. The ethics of scientific publications refers to the Regulation of the Head of LIPI Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications. The ethics of scientific publications are expected to be obeyed and implemented by writers, editors, reviewers, and journal managers.

Plagiarism Checker

Every published article will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin.

Reference management

Every submitted article is recommended to use Mendeley reference management

Journal History

Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) was published as an effort of the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang to promote an interdisciplinary approach that accommodates the latest research in Indonesia related to journalism, public relations and media communication science. .

Starting from Volume 3 No 2, 2021 Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) edition contains 1 English article.