Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) 2024-09-02T12:38:48+07:00 Siti Nursanti Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) </strong>with <strong><a href="">ISSN 2715-6508 </a></strong>was published as an effort of the Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang to promote an interdisciplinary approach that accommodates the latest research in Indonesia related to journalism, public relations and media communication science.</p> <p><strong>Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) </strong>hopes to publish research findings regularly and periodically, twice a year and become a reference journal for journalism, public relations, media and communication science in Indonesia. The electronic form of Journalism, Public Relations and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) is expected to be accessible to all Indonesians and provide benefits to the wider public.</p> Dampak dan Konsekuensi Pernikahan Sesama Marga dalam Komunitas Karo Pada Masyarakat Karo di Berastagi 2023-07-14T22:47:13+07:00 Endah Rananda Gita Nurul Sakinah Hasan Sazali Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe <p>The Karo people are one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia, especially in the North Sumatra region. The Karo community has strong traditions when it comes to family ties and marriage. However, in some cases, inter-clan marriages within Karo society have caused strong reactions, leading to the displacement of affected families. This research was conducted to help the younger generation better understand the impact of inter-clan marriages in Karo society. It helps us to understand the internal and external conflicts that occur and their impact on family relationships, social interactions, community and youth support. In addition, this research also aims to identify solution approaches that young people can apply in their lives. Quantitative research methods were used in this study. Qualitative methods, i.e. Collecting and reviewing the quality and accuracy of field survey data and answering questions related to the theory of literature study on the issue. This research concludes that marriage between clans (Turang) is considered a violation of customs and the perpetrator is punished according to the customs of the community and tribe. When an inter-tribal marriage occurs, the children have the same clan and surname and are not automatically accepted by the Karo tribe.</p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) Hubungan Antara Komunikasi Interpersonal Mentor Dan Anak PPA Dengan Keterampilan Sosial Remaja 2023-08-01T22:32:14+07:00 Melfri Suki Petrus Ana Andung Fitria Titi Meilawati <p><em>The adolescent phase is a phase in the achievement of a very prominent self-identity, increasingly logical, abstract and ideal thinking Introducing adolescents to the outside world is very important for children's cognitive development. With PPA can shape children's social skills through interpersonal communication, teaching and programs that will be applied from the time the child enters the beginning to PPA until the child finishes and is considered capable of becoming a mature Christian person in faith, thought and also able to become a leader over himself and others. In this case, the design is made for teaching and programs that cover the themes, topics and concepts studied, including materials, experiences and processes by which mentors interact in order to achieve predetermined goals, namely holistic child development goals which include socio-emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical (children's physical health). This study aims to analyze how much the Interpersonal Communication Relationship between Mentors and PPA Children Aged 15-18 Years with Adolescent Social Skills at PPA Bethlehem IO-722 West Oesapa. The theory used in this study is the Source Credibility Theory. Based on the results of the Pearson Correlation analysis between the variables of Interpersonal Communication (X) and Adolescent Social Skills (Y), it is known that the significance value is 0.000&lt; 0.05. Thus, the hypothesis that reads there is a positive relationship between interpersonal communication mentors and PPA children aged 15-18 years with adolescent social skills. Data analysis using the Pearson Correlation Test (Product Moment) obtained r calculate 0.657. So based on rtable with a confidence level of 0.05 (rtable for 55 subjects with a confidence level of 5% is 0.265), it is understood that r count &gt; r table (0.657&gt;0.265) then Ha is accepted thus there is a significant relationship between interpersonal communication and social skills. Based on that, it can be concluded that the level of strength of the relationship is in the strong category. Also, positive values indicate a unidirectional relationship between Interpersonal Communication and Social Skills.</em></p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) Dukungan Sosial Daring Pada Mahasiswa Yang Sedang Menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir Skripsi 2023-10-28T11:45:43+07:00 Dian Sukmawati Zafiera Syafa Putri Indira <p><em>This study aims to determine the form of online social support obtained for students who are completing their final thesis project in the comments of the autobase account @collegemenfess. This type of research is qualitative research using the Netnographic method. Data collection techniques are carried out by online observation, online interviews, and documentation. The results of the research found in the comments of the autobase account @collegemenfess on the final thesis project complaint upload, namely there are five forms of online social support, including, emotional support, appreciation support, instrumental support, information support and social network support. Of the five forms of social support, only three forms of online social support are the most dominant, namely emotional support, instrumental support, and informative support.</em></p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) Strategy of Local Media Mass Pelita Karawang in the face of Doxing 2023-12-12T07:50:15+07:00 Mala Setyawati Rahmah Anzelina Syakira Nasywa Jamil <p>In today's era of technological development, information can spread quickly and <br>uncontrollably. The consequence of the rapid spread of information is the disruption of private <br>information by irresponsible parties. There is one phenomenon called doxing. Doxing is the <br>digging up and dissemination of a person's personal information to the internet without <br>permission with specific purposes such as intimidating, humiliating, threatening, or stalking <br>the victim and even punishing the targeted person. Through qualitative methods, research is <br>more subjective perspective. According to Sugiyono (2018: 213). Doxing can have an impact <br>on journalists. Educating readers on how to consume information wisely and emphasizing <br>high journalistic ethics and standards can help reduce doxing incidents. Full support for press <br>freedom and protection of journalists from external threats such as doxing should also be a <br>major focus for the government and related institutions</p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) Perspektif Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Unsika Terkait Kekerasan Verbal Kepada Wartawan di Lingkungan Kampus 2023-12-13T10:35:35+07:00 Friscilla Naldia Bevani Tyara Azahra Umi Widarasari <p><em>Verbal violence against journalists is a form of threat that cannot be avoided. The Student Press Institute (LPM) of Singaperbangsa University Karawang (Unsika) is one of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) forums which includes students who act as journalists in the campus environment. Among the members of LPM Unsika who work as journalists in the field, they are certainly not free from forms of violence that have been experienced, one of which is verbal violence that arises from certain individuals and is involved as a source or party who is the topic that will be investigated in LPM's journalistic products. Unsika. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method and emphasizes an in-depth interview process with several sources who meet the criteria for research informants. In this research, the theory used is press freedom theory. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, violence against journalists on the Unsika campus is still often found, especially during the reporting process on campus grounds.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em> Journalist, Verbal, Violence</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM) Indonesia Konstruksi Makna Jilbab Sebagai Simbol Komunikasi Sosial Masyarakat Urban: Studi Pada Miss Hijab Banten 2023-12-23T19:41:48+07:00 Ahmad Baedowi Rangga Galura Gumelar <p>This in-depth study investigates the social construction of the hijab as a symbol of social communication in the context of urban society by exploring the unique experiences and perspectives of Miss Hijab Banten. With a theoretical framework based on Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman's theory of social construction, this research employs the externalization, objectivation, and internalization approach to understand how the meaning of the hijab is formed and accepted in social interactions. The research highlights the remarkable role of Miss Hijab Banten, who not only represents beauty but also acts as an agent of social change. They actively reconceptualize the meaning of the hijab, proving that it is not just clothing but an empowerment tool capable of breaking stereotypes and creating opportunities for Muslim women in the dynamic urban society. The study not only presents findings related to society's perceptions of the hijab but also integrates social construction theory with George Herbert Mead's symbolic interaction approach. This provides deeper insights into how social identity influences the acceptance of the hijab in urban society. The implications of the findings emphasize the need to re-adapt the meaning of the hijab in a continually changing society.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <strong>Hijab, Social Construction, and Miss Hijab Banten</strong></p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journalism, Public Relation and Media Communication Studies Journal (JPRMEDCOM)