Analisis Pengaruh Financial Behavior dan Income terhadap Keputusan Berinvestasi Masyarakat Kota Pangkalpinang (Studi Komparasi Sebelum dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid-19)


  • Wenni Anggita Universitas Bangka Belitung



Investment is a sacrifice of funds and financial preparation in order to gain future profits. Investment
decisions are important in income management. The tendecy to think short term and implusive
shopping practices often make individuals with sufficient income still experience financial problem
due to irresponsible financial behavior. Many factors are assumed to influce differences in investment
decisions as well as the covid-19 pandemic that affects people’s financial behavior and income. This
study aims to see whether financial behavior and income affect investment volatility and the difference
before and after the pandemic in the people of Pangkalpinang City. This study use theory of planned
behavior (TPB) that behavioral control can directly affect investment decisions. This research is a
quantitative research. Comparative method. Using primary data with purposive sampling methode
based on criteria, 30-50 years old generation and investors/non-investors who know about investment.
Multiple liniear regression analysis and comparative effect used to analyze the research. The result
showed that financial behavior affects people’s investment decisions before the pandemic. Meanwhile,
financial behavior does not affect investment decisions after the pandemic. Income has no effect on
people’s investment decisions before and after the pandemic. There are differences in the influence of
financial behavior on investment decisions before and after the pandemic. Meanwhile, there is no
difference in income distribution on investment decisions before and after the pandemic.


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Author Biography

Wenni Anggita, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Jurusan AKuntansi


