About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) is a Journal of Management Science published by the Faculty of Economics, Management Department of Singaperbangsa University Karawang. The journal is the result of research and study of conceptual ideas in the field of Management science on contemporary legal issues, conceptual ideas in the theory and practice and others. 


Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) becomes a means of publication through articles of original research findings, as a forum for the publication of research results from outside the final assignment of Students of the Faculty of Economics Management Study Program at the University in Indonesia in general and specifically at singaperbangsa University Karawang which is an obligation for students to disseminate their scientific work.


Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS)  is also a journal that publishes research papers or opinions related to management science in general, both related to the Management Paradigm, and management theories, compiled by students of the Faculty of Economics, especially management programs.


We are interested in topics related in general to economic issues, especially Bid.manajemen in Indonesia and around the world.


The articles submitted can cover issues in Marketing Management, Human Resources, Finance, Operation, Creative Economy and MSMEs.

Peer Review Process

Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS)  applies two processes of checking and editing. Authors are welcome to suggest at least three potential reviewers along with their names and email addresses. However, the decision to determine who the right reviewer is is the editor's right. Approved manuscript evidence will be viewed early online as early as possible after receipt from the author and final proof reading by the editor.


Plagiarism and plagiarism itself are not allowed. The software tool can be used so that the submitted articles can be identified to prevent the act of plagiarism. Text detection tools are used so that citations must be appropriate and can be used whenever needed. Basically the author's job is simply to send manuscripts that are free from plagiarism and academic malpractice. Editors, however, double-check each article before it's published. The first step is to check plagiarism against offline databases by the Legal Editorial Board and secondly, use as many online databases as possible.

  1. The processed manuscript takes precedence over the manuscript that has been submitted through this Open Journal Systems. Manuscripts in the form of document files (.doc) are sent via email to the editorial email address: jfms@fe.unsika.ac.id or manuscripts can also be sent by post to:


Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) 

FACULTY OF ECONOMICS (Management Study Program)


Jl. H.S. Ronggowaluyo Telukjambe Karawang

Phone. (0267) 640759; Fax. (0267) 640759

Website: www.unsika.ac.id

Email: jfms@fe.unsika.ac.id

  1. The editorial board selects and edits the incoming manuscript without changing the substance. The manuscript received an honorarium.
  2. The loaded manuscript will be notified of the printable after editing and through the editing process together with the Editorial Board.
  3. The manuscript contained is a manuscript that follows the rules in the writing guidelines and is declared worthy based on the editing results of the managing editor and expert editor.
  4. Unpublished manuscripts will be notified and returned.
  5. The manuscript submitted to the Editorial Board is bound by the review policy.
  6. Manuscripts that will be further processed and reviewed are manuscripts that have been through the selection and editing process by the Editorial Board in accordance with the Scriptwriting Guidelines;
  7. The manuscript will be reviewed by Mitra Bestari who has intellectual skills in their fields, such as: Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Creative Economy Management and MSMEs, and Operation Management;
  8. Mitra Bestari is selected and appointed based on the qualifications of having published writings in accredited National Journals and Accredited International Journals based on the Dean's Decree issued by the Faculty of Law of Singaperbangsa University karawang;
  9. The review process is a double blind review in which Mitra Bestari must be independent even though it is known the identity of the author and the author does not know the identity of the Bestari Partner who reviewed the Manuscript;
  10. The review process includes a number of assessment aspects such as the authenticity of the manuscript, objectivity, scientific methods and contributions;
  11. Review process until a decision is received or not the manuscript no later than 2 weeks.

Publishing Frequency



F A K U L T A S EKONOMI (Management Study Program)


Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) is a scientific publication published as many as four numbers in one year (January, April, July, October).


Open Access Policy

Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) is a Journal of Management Science that contains scientific manuscripts in the field of management science as well as analysis and the role of academics, practitioners and the public in representing freedom of speech and discussion of management issues. The journal provides open access which in principle makes research available for free to the public and will support the largest global knowledge exchange.

Plagiarism Examination

Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) will conduct plagiarization checks using Grammarly®, Plagiarismcheckerx, and Crosscheck developed by iThenticate.


Article Filling Fee

  1. Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) editor does not charge for authors, readers, and viewers of journal sites who want to access full text information and download articles on the journal website.
  2. Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) does not charge the author who submits the manuscript or when the article is accepted (accept submission) for further editorial process.

Publishing Ethics

Jurnal For Management Student (JFMS) is a journal that is managed professionally by the Faculty of Economics, Management Department of Singaperbangsa University Karawang, by upholding the rules of scientific publications, privacy, and copyright. Each published article must meet the kriteri Writing Guidelines and the scope of the journal. Articles are written by competent authors in their fields and sourced from the results of studies / research. Each article contains novelty, originality, and utility values.

To improve the quality of journals and professionalism of authors, editors, bestari partners and journal managers, it was established "Scientific Publication Ethics of Singaperbangsa Law Review (SILREV)". The ethics of scientific publications are expected to avoid malpractice in journal publishing and be safe from copyright infringement, such as duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. The ethics of this scientific publication refers to the Regulation of the Head of LIPI No. 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications. The ethics of this scientific publication are expected to be adhered to and implemented by authors, editors, reviewers, and journal managers.



  1. Reporting

The author must report the process and results of his research honestly, clearly, accurately, accurately, thoroughly, and balancedly and keep the research data intact. Honesty of the author is expected in presenting any data and information listed in the content and results of the study.

  1. Authenticity

The author makes a statement that the paper submitted to the journal editor is original (sourced from the author's own idea), has never been sent and published in any medium, in any language, and is not in the process of submitting to another publisher. In the event of duplication of publishing and fraud, the author is willing to remove the article from the publication of this journal.

  1. Source clarity

The author must mention and ensure that every reading source used as a citation and bibliography is written in full and clearly. Writers are strictly forbidden to quote the writings of others without mentioning the original source.

  1. Responsibilities

The author is fully responsible for the data and results of the research he writes, both in terms of methods, analysis, calculations, and details. If verification is required from editors and bestari partners, the author is willing to answer it clearly, precisely, and honestly.

  1. Deal

The author ensures that the names listed in the article are compiled based on the contributions of each author's ideas and thoughts and have been approved by the entire writing team. If there is a change, subtraction, or addition of the author's name, it must obtain the approval of the author team. If any outside party contributes fully (non-substance) in the smooth creation of the paper, the author ensures the giving of thanks to the relevant parties.

  1. Punctuality

The author is timely in improving the manuscript of the results of the review and editing for the discipline and regularity of journal publishing. If not on time, the author is prepared to bear the consequences, namely the delay in publishing journal articles.

  1. Disclosure of conflicts of interest

Authors uphold each other's copyright and privacy to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with another party, the author must resolve it in a fair and prudent manner.



  1. Neutrality

Editors are neutral in selecting and screening scripts. The editor must be objective and fair to any writer who submits his or her writing to the editor. Editors are prohibited from being discriminatory to the author, whether based on gender, ethnicity, religion, race, inter-ethnicity, or the author's nationality.

  1. Reporting

Editors report the results of selection and review of manuscripts clearly and appropriately to the author by paying attention to the accuracy, completeness, and clarity of reporting the results of research and development, including editing techniques and the use of publishing and writing guidelines.

  1. Communicative

Editors communicate effectively and efficiently in the journal publishing process. Any suggestions and criticisms, both from authors, bestari partners, and journal managers must be responded to clearly, honestly, and transparently.

  1. Justice

Editors distribute the manuscript fairly to members of the editor's team and bestari partners based on their respective competencies.

  1. Professional

Editors work professionally based on their duties and responsibilities. Editors should understand every policy related to journal publishing. The editor ensures that each manuscript has gone through a correct, fair, and objective editorial and review process.

  1. Responsibilities

Editors take full responsibility for the success of journal publishing. The editor guarantees that each published journal article is a new paper that is not plagiarism, as well as benefiting those who read and access the journal.

  1. Disclosure of conflicts of interest

Editors uphold each other's copyright and privacy to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with another party, the editor must resolve it in a fair and prudent manner.



  1. Neutrality

Bestari partners are honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and only side with scientific truth. The process of reviewing the manuscript is done professionally without distinguishing the background of the author. Reviewers are prohibited from studying papers involving him, either directly or indirectly.

  1. Professional

Mitra Bestari must be critical and professional in assessing the content of a paper, namely in accordance with the field of science / expertise, open about new things, keep secret the things that are being assessed, do not take personal advantage of the written work assessed, and have a passion to improve the writing he studied. Mitra Bestari reserves the right to reject the review of the manuscript if the paper he studied is not from the field of expertise. Mitra Bestari can provide recommendations to other bestari partners who are more competent in accordance with the scope of published science.

  1. Quality assurance

Mitra Bestari has the task of assisting the editor in improving the quality of the writing he studied. Mitra Bestari studied the paper substantively instead of grammatical studies, punctuation, and typos. Mitra Bestari is required to uphold the basic principles and scientific analysis in the process of reviewing a paper. Mitra Bestari works on the principles of truth, novelty, and authenticity; prioritize the benefits of writing for the development of science, technology, and innovation; and understand the impact of writing on the development of science.

  1. Punctuality

Bestari partners review the script and respond to the editor quickly, expected to be on time in reviewing the manuscript. If the review time is considered insufficient, the review should inform the editor with a clear reason for the discipline and regurality of journal publishing.

  1. Disclosure of conflicts of interest

Bestari partners uphold each other's copyright and privacy to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with another party, the reviewer must resolve it in a fair and prudent manner.



  1. Decision making

Journal managers should outline the vision, mission, and objectives of the organization in journal publishing, taking into account the recommendations of bestari partners and the board of editors. In decision making, journal managers are neutral and free from conflicts of interest of individuals or groups, business sides, aspects of ethnicity, religion, race, and intergovernmental (SARA).

  1. Freedom

Journal managers give freedom to bestari partners and editors to create a harmonious working atmosphere and respect each other to guarantee and protect intellectual property rights, especially those related to the management of funds received from third parties.  Journal managers encourage editors and bestari partners to implement ethical clearing including maintaining confidentiality, licensing, and specific requirements in research on humans, animals, and other living things.

  1. Responsibilities

Journal managers are responsible for the policy guidelines of journal publishing, ranging from the determination of the name of the issue, the scope of science, the style of script writing, cooperation, licensing and legality of publications, to the evaluation of manuscript publishing.

  1. Promotion

Journal managers promote and ensure the sustainability of journal publishing. Journal managers have the right to determine funding in accordance with the policies and needs of journal issuance. In its management, funders do not interfere with the content of the substance of the publication. Research and development funding sources are listed in publications without affecting readers' perceptions.

  1. Disclosure of conflicts of interest

Journal managers uphold each other's copyright and privacy to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event of a conflict of interest with another party, the journal manager must resolve it in a fair and prudent manner.