Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment)2024-12-01T15:13:03+07:00Irfan Zinat Journal Systems<div style="border: 2px #4fb348 solid; padding: 10px; background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li>Journal Title: <a title="Jurnal Speed" href=""><strong>Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment)</strong></a> </li> <li>Initials: <strong>Jurnal Speed</strong></li> <li>Abbreviation: <strong>J. Speed (Sport. Phy. Educ. Emp)</strong></li> <li>Frequency: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"> 2 issues per year (May & November) </span></a></li> <li>DOI: Prefix 10.35706 by <em><strong>Crossref</strong></em></li> <li>Online ISSN: <strong><a title="e-ISSN Speed" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-6698</a></strong></li> <li>Editor in Chief: Resty Gustiawati</li> <li>Publisher: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang</strong></a></li> <li>Index by: <em><strong><a title="Akreditasi Sinta 5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a></strong></em>, <em><strong><a title="Garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a></strong></em>, <a title="Profile Google Scholar Speed" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em><strong>Google Scholar</strong></em></a></li> </ol> </div> <div><strong>Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment) </strong>is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that<strong> </strong>publishes physical education. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using a single-blind review method.</div> <div> <p>OAI Address: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p title="register">For the author interested in submitting the manuscript, kindly <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>register</strong></a> yourself. The author guidelines can be viewed here, and the manuscript template can be downloaded <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>here</strong></a></p> <p>Already have a Username/Password for <strong>Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment)</strong> go to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>login</strong></a></p> </div> <p> </p> <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p> </p> </div> Aaktivitas Permainan Olahraga Terhadap Peningkatan Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa Smkn 10 Garut2024-04-07T14:00:14+07:00Gumilar Gumilargumilarridzal6@gmail.comAlam Hadi<p><em>This increase in physical fitness is a must in the learning process. Physical fitness not only has a good effect on the development of affective aspects in students, but good physical fitness can also have an effect on student learning outcomes. This problem is based on the lack of aspects of physical fitness (endurance, muscle endurance, and speed). The method used in this research is experimental research. This study used a type of experimental research, namely the pre-experimental design with the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design (Ali Maksum, 2012). Based on the results of the t test, it is known that the pre-test average is 1.5 after being given physical education and sports treatment in 16 meetings, the post-test value is 3.31 so it is known that the increase is 1.75. Furthermore, based on the t-test, the t-count value is 12.124. The t-table value with a df of 25 at a significant level of 5% is 0.144. Therefore t-count > t-table (12.124 > 0.144) and the significance value is smaller than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05) so that it can be stated that there is a significant increase in the score of physical fitness results by being given physical education and exercise during 16 meetings, description, testing of research results, and discussion, it can be concluded that there is an influence of physical education and exercise on physical fitness</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wisatawan: Studi Kasus pada Wisatawan Olahraga Panjat Tebing Jalur Via Ferrata Dipengaruhi oleh Kompetensi Guide2024-10-14T19:52:10+07:00Agi Juniadi Zatnikaagizatnika@gmail.comDedi Supriadidedis25121960@gmail.comAkhmad Olih<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi <em>guide</em> terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey eksplanatori dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu wisatawan olahraga panjat tebing jalur via ferrata sebanyak 100 responden dan sampel yang digunakan adalah <em>accidental sampling</em>. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dengan indikator pengukuran kepuasan wisatawan yaitu kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan, faktor emosional, harga dan kemudahan, sedangkan kompetensi <em>guide</em> mengacu pada <em>concern for order, initiative, impact and influence</em> serta <em>information seeking. </em>Data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum i) tingkat kepuasan wisatawan dan kompetensi <em>guide</em> berada pada kategori sedang. ii) kompetensi <em>guide</em> berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi <em>guide</em> memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap tingkat kepuasan wisatawan pada aktivitas panjat tebing jalur Via Ferrata.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Kepuasan Wisatawan, Kompetensi <em>Guide.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Komunikasi Pelatih dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Atlet Club Karate Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang2024-11-11T22:53:25+07:00Nurul Aeni Nurulnurulaeni150502@gmail.comRastri Kusumaningrumnurulaeni150502@gmail.comTri Widya<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This research is motivated by the importance of effective communication between coaches and athletes in improving athlete performance, especially at the Karate Club of Singaperbangsa University Karawang. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the effectiveness of six different trainer communication styles, namely The Controlling Style, The Equalitarian Style, The Structuring Style, The Friendly Style, The Dramatic Style, and The Impression Leaving Style. The research method used was qualitative with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with 5 informants consisting of 2 coaches and 3 athletes, as well as direct observation during training sessions and competitions. The research results show that the application of appropriate communication styles by coaches can significantly improve athlete performance. Coaches who use The Controlling Style are able to create a structured and disciplined training environment, while The Equalitarian Style and The Friendly Style increase athlete involvement and motivation. The Structuring Style helps athletes understand achievement targets clearly, while The Dramatic Style and The Impression Leaving Style increase focus and motivation through the use of dramatic expressions and memorable messages. This research found that coaches who are flexible and able to adapt their communication style to the athlete's situation and needs can create a more effective training environment and support holistic athlete development.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Coach Communication, Athlete Performance, Communication Style, Karate, Sports Training</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kebugaran Jasmani pada Pemain Futsal di SMA Islam Sabilillah Kota Malang2024-10-14T18:58:49+07:00Fery Mardianto Feryferymardiata@gmail.comReno Siska Sariferymardiata@gmail.comTria Muhamad<p><em>This article aims to find out and analyze data about the physical condition of the Sabilillah Islamic High School Malang futsal players. The method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The sampling technique uses total sampling where the sample is the same as the population, so that the sample used is all futsal players at Sabilillah Islamic High School Malang, totaling 15 people. The results of the research showed that the average score for the players' physical condition in the endurance test with the balke test was 53.19 in the moderate category, the speed test with the 30 meter running test averaged 4.54 in the poor category and the agility test tested with the T-test averaged average 10.9 in the medium category. The percentage results in the endurance test with the walking test produced a figure of 66.60% in the moderate category, the speed test with the 30 meter running test produced a figure of 46.60% in the poor category and the agility test tested with the T-test showed a figure of 73.30% in the moderate category. By analyzing the physical condition of futsal players, coaches can develop training programs designed to improve the physical aspects that need improvement.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Analysis, Physical Condition, Futsal Players</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Model Pembelajaran Gerak Dasar Lokomotor Berbasis Augmented Reality Terhadap Hasil Belajar Penjasorkes di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa Buleleng2024-11-11T22:25:13+07:00Budiadnyana Budiadnyanabudiadnyanaagung@gmail.comAnak Agung Ngurah Putra Laksanabudiadnyanaagung@gmail.comI Gusti Ayu Agung Riesa<p><em>The development of basic movements and their perfection is important during elementary school age. Physically active children have reduced risks of excessive weight gain, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes, as well as favorable psychological and emotional benefits such as improved mental health, higher self-esteem and better emotional self-efficacy . The aim of this research is to produce and test whether an augmented reality-based model of the influence of basic movement training advertisements is available and whether it can improve basic movement learning outcomes in physical education subjects. The method used in this research is an experimental research method l. Meanwhile, the research design used was a pre test-post test control group design. The subjects of this research were year-old students including at SDN 3 Banjar Jawa, grade 4 students as the experimental group and grade 5 students as the control group. The instruments used in the research are: Motor Growth Test, 2) walking 10 meters for locomotor. Data analysis in this study used the paired sample t-test statistical method and the results showed that the influence of this learning model was significant in improving basic movement learning for students aged 7 -9 years, the second compares with the control group. The results of statistical tests show that the basic movement learning model developed in the experimental group is more effective compared to the control group which used conventional learning models. The analysis was carried out using an independent t-test to determine the difference in results between the control and experimental groups. It was obtained that the difference in t-count = 8.988, with df = 30 and a sig or p-value = 0.000 which was smaller than the alpha value of 0.05. Based on these results, it can be decided to reject H0. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the quality of learning between the control group and the experimental group. The findings of this research are the training models and test instruments that have been developed. This learning model is packaged in the form of a printed book, an augmented reality Android application in the form of an ebook and an Android application containing 3-dimensional characters implementing variations of learning basic movements.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Modeling Games Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dribbling Sepakbola Usia 10-13 Tahun 2024-11-11T22:00:43+07:00Surya Rezeki Sitompulriskisurya89@gmail.comReady Aqsa<p><em>This study aims to address dribbling weaknesses with a game-based training approach, exercises that are arranged based on the characteristics of student skills by considering the training patterns that prioritize games, the results of pre-tests with dribbling skill tests with dribbling skill tests on dribbling skill in Sulcata soccer school students aged 10-13 years. The method used in this study used an experimental approach, this experimental research used a pre-experimental design, which is a research design that uses a group or class with the implementation of pre-test and post-test. The sample of Sulcata soccer students aged 10-13 used by the researchers includes a total of 24 subjects. From the results of the t-test, it can be seen that the t-number is 11.019> 2.069 (t-table) and the probability value is 0.000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant effect of training games on dribbling ability in soccer students aged 10-13 years old in Sulcata, considering the pre-test average of 18.39 and the post-test average of 17.32, there is a mean difference of 1.07, which shows that training games on dribbling ability in students have a 6.3% better change than before.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Dribbling, Games</em><em>, Soccer, Modeling.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024