Academic Information System Design Blockchain Based College

Desain Sistem Informasi Akademik Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Blockchain


  • Alvian Abdul Jabar IPB University
  • Irman Hermadi IPB University
  • Yandra Arkeman IPB University



Academic Information System (SIAKAD) is an application designed for data management purposes so
that the entire process of academic activities can be managed into useful information. This data is
stored in a database, this causes problems, namely the difficulty of backing up data in case of damage
and difficulty when validating data because there is no verifier when inputting data, one of the data
stored is student transcripts, as we know that transcripts This student score can be used for scholarship
requirements and applying for jobs so that the transcript must be authenticated. Therefore, the purpose
of this research is to design a blockchain-based SIAKAD application that can make it easier to check
data validation to prove the authenticity of student grade transcripts and display traceability of student
grade data. Blockchain technology is a ledger that will record all activities carried out then the data
will be distributed to each node that has been determined and already has a certificate authority to
access the blockchain, then each node will have a copy of each transaction, each transaction will be
interrelated with the transaction next. The transactions made are student value data, the data will be
stored into the blockchain. In this study, a blockchain-based academic information system application
has been designed using the prototyping method and then using the hyperledger fabric as a framework
for building blockchain. The result of this research is a blockchain information system application that
can verify the authenticity of grade transcripts and see traceability of student grade data.


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How to Cite

Alvian Abdul Jabar, Irman Hermadi, and Yandra Arkeman, “Academic Information System Design Blockchain Based College: Desain Sistem Informasi Akademik Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Blockchain”, Systematics Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 281–294, Dec. 2021.