PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science 2024-11-05T06:02:57+07:00 Munir Alinu Mulki Open Journal Systems <p><strong>PharmaCine: Journal of Pharmacy, Medical, and Health Sciences</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to scientific publications in the fields of pharmacy, medicine, and health sciences. PharmaCine is published biannually, in March and September, by the Undergraduate Pharmacy Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Singaperbangsa University Karawang, in collaboration with the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI). This journal serves as a forum for students, pharmacists, medical personnel, and other health professionals to update their knowledge and access scientific literature. PharmaCine publishes a range of articles, including meta-analyses, original research, reviews, and case reports. Submissions are peer-reviewed to ensure scientific rigor within the relevant field.</p> <p>The scope of the PharmaCine Journal encompasses various pharmaceutical, medical, and health science topics, including:</p> <ul> <li>Pharmacology</li> <li>Pharmacotherapy</li> <li>Clinical Pharmacy</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Technology</li> <li>Herbal Pharmacy</li> <li>Social Pharmacy</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Management</li> <li>Clinical Biochemistry</li> <li>Pharmacogenetics</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Chemistry</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Biology</li> <li>Public Health Sciences</li> </ul> <p><strong data-start="913" data-end="933">Important Notice</strong>:<br data-start="934" data-end="937" />We would like to inform you that PharmaCine: Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science has <strong>moved</strong> to a <strong>new journal platform</strong>. Therefore, this journal <strong data-start="1095" data-end="1140">will no longer accept article submissions</strong> on the old platform.<br data-start="1161" data-end="1164" />To submit articles to <strong data-start="1186" data-end="1249">PharmaCine: Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science</strong>, please access the new journal platform via the following link:<br data-start="1313" data-end="1316" data-is-only-node="" /><a href="" target="_new" rel="noopener" data-start="1316" data-end="1428"><strong data-start="1317" data-end="1373"></strong></a></p> Identification of the Bacterial Content of Vibrio cholerae On Tuna Fish Pepes (Thunnus sp.) 2024-09-20T19:49:17+07:00 Kiki Haetami Inas Maya Tamimah Hanun <p>Tuna (<em>Thunnus</em> sp.) is one of the potential fishery products because it has a high protein content. Tuna fish can be processed into various kinds of processing, one of which is pepes ikan which is a traditional Indonesia dish. Processed fishery products such as pepes can also experience a decrease in quality, one of which can be caused by the presence of bacteria, such as <em>Vibrio cholerae</em> bacteria. <em>Vibrio cholerae</em> is an opportunistic pathogen in estuarine and marine environments. These bacteria can be transferred into the food matrix causing illness if consumed by humans. The purpose of this study is to identify the content of <em>Vibrio cholerae</em> bacteria in tuna fish pepes processed products. The results of biochemical tests based on SNI 01-2332.4-2006 show that tuna fish pepes originating from one MSME in the Special Region of Yogyakarta does not contain or are negative for Vibrio cholerae so that it is suitable for marketing and human consumption.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Microbiology, Fishery Products, Processed Products, Tuna Fish, Vibrio cholerae.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science Behavioral Factors Associated with the Incidence of Hypertension at Serpong I Primary Health Care, South Tangerang City 2024-09-26T14:23:47+07:00 Muhammad Nurul Raditya Rony Darmawansyah Alnur <p><em>Background: Hypertension is frequently regarded as a significant health concern. This is corroborated by the annual increase in hypertension cases. Behavioral factors, including smoking, physical activity, consumption of salty foods, and consumption of fatty foods, have been identified as risk factors for hypertension. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the behavioral factors associated with the incidence of hypertension at the Serpong I Primary Health Care in South Tangerang City in 2024. Methods: The study employed a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional study structure and an analytic approach, utilizing the Chi-square test was conducted to examine the relationship between the independent variables and the incidence of hypertension. The study was conducted over a period of six months, from February to August 2024. The population under investigation in this study consisted of all individuals who visited the Serpong I Primary Health Care in South Tangerang City. The sample size for this study was 101 individuals, selected using the purposive sampling technique. The data were subjected to univariate and bivariate analyses. Results: The frequency distribution demonstrated that a greater proportion of respondents did not smoke (74, 73.3%), engaged in sufficient physical activity (72, 71.3%), consumed excessive amounts of salty foods (53, 52.5%), and consumed fatty foods (53, 52.5%). The results of the Chi-square test indicate that the variable most strongly associated with the incidence of hypertension (Pvalue &lt;0.05) is the consumption of salty foods (P-value &lt;0.001). While variables that are not associated (Pvalue &gt; 0.05) include smoking (Pvalue = 0.661), physical activity (Pvalue = 0.173), and consumption of fatty foods (Pvalue = 0.079). Conclusion: The findings indicate a correlation between excessive sodium consumption and the prevalence of hypertension at the Serpong I Primary Health Care in South Tangerang in 2024. It is recommended that respondents to reduce the consumption of foods with high sodium content</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Hypertension; Risk Factors; Behavior;Primary Health Care</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science Case Study of Government Regulation of The Republic Of Indonesia No.51 of 2009 Concerning Pharmaceutical Work “Pharmacist in Jombang Suspected of Violating Pharmaceutical Code of Ethics” 2024-10-14T14:07:01+07:00 Sophy Wulandari Rima Putri Ramadhani Muhammad Naufal Nurhadi Hidayat <p><strong><em>Bacakground:</em></strong> <em>Pharmacists are health workers who have important responsibilities in drug management. However, there are still many violations of the code of ethics and lack of understanding of the regulations governing pharmaceutical practices, which can potentially endanger patients. </em><strong><em>Aim:</em></strong> <em>This study aims to analyze the impact, sanctions, and legal protection related to the provision of expired drugs to patients. </em><strong><em>Method:</em></strong> <em>The method in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. The author collected data from various sources, including relevant regulations, case studies, and academic literature, to assess pharmacists' compliance with applicable pharmaceutical regulations. </em><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> M</em><em>any pharmacists have not fully complied with existing regulations, especially in terms of drug management and storage. The findings also indicate the need for stricter law enforcement as well as increased training for pharmacists in understanding ethics and regulations. </em><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong> <em>dispensing expired medicines has the potential to cause serious health impacts, including decreased drug efficacy and increased risk of side effects for patients. To address violations in the management of expired drugs, the relevant regulations provide for strict law enforcement as a sanction for violators, so as to encourage compliance with existing standards. In addition, legal protection for patients is stipulated in the law, which guarantees their right to obtain safe and quality medicines, in accordance with established quality standards</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords :</strong> Expired medication; pharmacy code of ethics; pharmaceutical work<br /></em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science Papaya Leaf Extract Utilization Formulation (Carica papaya L.) as a Pesticide Vegetable 2024-10-15T16:44:42+07:00 Sukmawati Sukmawati Ameliawati Ameliawati <p><strong>Background</strong>: Many people do not understand how to use synthetic pesticides so that they can be harmful to humans. The use of pesticides made from nature can be a solution for the community, not only materials that are easily available but also ingredients that are safer because they use natural ingredients. Papaya leaves (<em>Carica </em><em>p</em><em>apaya</em> L.) contain saponin and flavonoid compounds where these compounds can cause the death of pests. <strong>Aim</strong>: This study aims to formulate it in pesticide preparations and then evaluate it so that it can be seen that the concentration of pesticide preparations is good Method: This type of research is experimental in the laboratory by making 3 formulas consisting of F1 with a concentration of 8% papaya leaf extract, F2 12% and F3 16%. The tests include organoleptic, homogeneity and pH. <strong>Result</strong>: The results showed that the organoleptic tests carried out on all formulations did not have much difference, starting from the smell and shape they both had a liquid form, a distinctive smell of papaya leaves, only the concentrations from small to large experienced a brown to greenish-brown color. The homogeneity test results from the three formulations were not homogeneous and the pH test results were the more extracts, the higher the pH value. <strong>Conclusion</strong>:. Papaya leaf extract with concentrations of 8%, 12%, and 16% can be formulated in the form of pesticide preparations.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Excessive Synthetic Pesticides, Papaya Leaves (Carica papaya </em>L<em>.), Pesticides, Pests</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science COMPARISON OF THE GROWTH OF ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS MUSHROOMS ON PDA MEDIA (PotatoDextrose Agar) WITH ALTERNATIVE MEDIA FROM RUMBER SAGO FLOUR (Metroxylon sago) 2024-11-05T06:02:57+07:00 Asdinar Asdinar Asrawati Asrawati Adam Adam <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Aspergillus fumigatus is a fungus that causes an opportunistic disease called Aspergillosis. Most tests used to determine the cause of fungal infections are carried out using the culture method. A popular growth medium for fungi is PDA media, which contains potato extract which is a source of carbohydrates. So that a substitute medium can be made that contains carbohydrates, sago flour is the highest carbohydrate producer, namely 84.7 grams per 100 grams of sago flour. <strong>Aim:</strong> To determine the comparison of the growth of Aspergillus fumigatus fungi on PDA media (potato dextrose agar) with alternative media from sago starch (Metroxylon sago). <strong>Method:</strong> This research methodology is pure experimentation with posttest only with control group design. Using the fungal culture method, with PDA media as control + and alternative media of sago starch sold at the Lambocca traditional market, Bantaeng, as test media with 3 concentration variants, namely concentrations of 12%, 14% and 16%. <strong>Result:</strong> Based on the findings of the research carried out, it can be concluded that five times the Aspergillus fumigatus treatment group was able to grow fungus which was grown in alternative media with concentration variants of 12%, 14%, 16%, and positive control. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Media made from sago starch can be used as an alternative medium for growing Aspergillus fumigatus fungi. By looking at the average diameter of fungal colony growth at a concentration of 16% with an average of 10.85 mm, a concentration of 14% which is 9.3 mm and a concentration of 12% which is 7.5 mm. with the results of statistical tests, the p value = 0.000, which indicates there is a significant difference.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Aspergillus fumigatus, PDA, Sago flour</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PharmaCine : Journal of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science