Perancangan Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahaya Narkoba
Interactive learning media is one of the popular methods that are used today.
Interactive animations easier for students in the learning process so that it can absorb
knowledge better. The design of interactive animations have basic knowledge of the
dangers of drugs meant for the primary school level students to more easily understand
the basic knowledge of the dangers of drugs to health, to determine the shape and type
of drug and its effects on human health. The development method used is the waterfall
model (Rosa Shalahudin 2014: 28). Results from this study is the design of interactive
animation is easier for users to know and knowing the types of narcotics and
psychotropic substances, and know the dangers inherent in it. Results from testing of the
user is that students can better understand the material provided by the method of
learning interesting and interactive.
Purnama, B. 2013. Konsep Dasar Multimedia, Penerbit Ghara Ilmu,
Ramadianto, Yuda Anggara. 2008. Membuat Gambar Vektor dan
Animasi Atraktif dengan Macromedia Flash Profesional 8. Bandung :
Sukamto, Rosa Arini dan M. Shalahudin.2014. Modul Pembelajaran
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Terstuktur dan Berorientasi Objek. Bandung:
Modula Bandung
Zeembry.2006.60 Efek Animasi Spektakuler Flash 8. Penerbit Elek
Media Komputindo. Jakarta (1 Juni 2016)