SYSTEMATICS 2023-04-05T09:39:27+07:00 Nono Heryana Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Systematics</strong> (eISSN 2714-6529) is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal published by the Department of Information Systems at the Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang (Unsika), which is a place for researchers to publish and disseminate research results. This journal is a publication of research papers and its development in the field of Information Systems, Information Systems Development, Computer Science, and Informatics. Systematics published regularly 3 times a year (April, August, and December). Systematics has been registered as a scientific journal by LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences) with SK no. <a href=";1567052277">0005.27146529/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2019</a>.</p> <p align="justify">Please read these <a href=""><strong>journal guidelines</strong></a> and <a title="template" href=""><strong>template</strong></a> carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of SYSTEMATICS should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will <strong>BE REJECTED</strong> by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.</p> <p align="justify">Already have a Username/Password for Systematics? <a href="">GO TO LOGIN</a>. Need a Username/Password? <a href="">GO TO REGISTRATION</a>. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions</p> Improving Employee Performance and Discipline Through Android-Based Employee Attendance Applications 2023-03-15T09:56:20+07:00 Tri Sugihartono Puad Nabil Hakiki Maxrizal Rendy Rian chrisna Putra <p><em>Attendance is used to recap employee attendance as a whole which is used to monitor employee discipline in an agency. In monitoring employee discipline, honesty is needed at work. In this conventional system, data is found that is not organized and requires extra monitoring time to determine employee discipline in carrying out the work given, in this study the focus is on employee absenteeism. The development of Information Technology is currently very rapid, and is balanced with the need for data processing tools that can manage information in certain fields. With the development of Information Technology and the increasing need for communication and information globally, it is necessary to have a mobile-based employee attendance application that is integrated with the location of accurate coordinates. Therefore, this study discusses the application of</em><em> Android-Based Employee Attendance Application to Improve Employee Performance and Discipline. This study uses data collection</em><em> techniques using the questionnaire method, while the data obtained</em><em> using primary data, namely quantitative data. the results of this study as many as </em><em>50 employees are more responsible for the work given and always come on time. Thus it can be concluded that by implementing an employee attendance application, employees are responsible for the work given and always come on time and always provide information if unable to attend.</em></p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS Decision Support System Using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method For Teacher Performance Assessment At SMP Ki Hajar Dewantoro 2023-03-15T11:04:05+07:00 Rahmat Fajar Anita Diana Rusdah Rusdah Yuliazmi Yuliazmi Dwi Achadiani <p>The teacher is a qualified educator who is responsible for teaching, and has a function and role in educating the nation's daily life. So that the roles and responsibilities in the teacher's functional position to be done according to the applicable regulations, a teacher's work assessment is needed which can guarantee a quality learning process at SMP Ki Hajar Dewantoro. In the process of selecting the best teacher for SMP Ki Hajar Dewantoro, there was already a weighting of the assessment criteria. However, a number of challenges arise, including the procedure of assessing teacher performance still using conventional methods with paper and ordinary calculations, so that the results of the assessment can occur errors or are inaccurate, and take a little time. Teacher ratings are also inaccurate and subjective, making it difficult to determine the best teacher. In addition, the decree for the best teacher is not well preserved. Therefore, a Decision Support System (DSS) is needed to recommend the best teacher using thethe Technique known as SAW (Simple Additive Weighting). The SAW approach was chosen due to it uses a method of ranking to choose the best option from a number of others and then determines the preference weight value for each option, specifically, the teacher with the highest rank according to the specified standards. due to the fact that it is based on the weight value of the existing criteria, this method will make the assessment faster, it can provide the best alternative teacher ranking. With the results of these rankings, it can simplify and assist the school in accelerating the assessment of teacher performance, so that more accurate results will be obtained as a decision tool.</p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS Decision Support Systems For Teacher Performance Evaluation at SDI Darul Mu’minin With Analytical Hierarchy Process And Simple Additive Weighting Methods 2023-03-15T13:33:01+07:00 Dwi Setyo Aji Anita Diana Atik Ariesta Grace Gata Dwi Achadiani <p><em>Teacher performance evaluation is one of the efforts to raise the standard of education at SDI Darul Mu'minin. SDI Darul Mu'minin, which is located in Larangan Indah Village, Larangan sub-district, Tangerang City, has a teacher performance assessment that is conducted once a year. In addition to raise the standard of education, the purpose of the assessment is to select exemplary teachers.</em> <em>However, the process of assessing teacher performance is not on target because the assessment process only uses attendance criteria and does not yet have the right method. Therefore the principal added several additional criteria, namely: responsibility, lesson plans, loyalty and reporting of student grades. To implement a multi-criteria assessment, a decision support system is needed. This study uses the AHP and SAW methods and produces weights namely Responsibility 33%, Loyalty 28%, Attendance 18%, Lesson Plans 13% and Reporting of Student Values ​​8% and produces the best alternative, namely the best performing teacher with a value of 0.9930. The goal of this research is to decide the best alternative, namely the best performing teacher who will receive a prize or reward in the form of money at the end of each academic year.</em></p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS Implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Methods in Decision Support Systems for Employee Performance Assessment at the Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) DKI Jakarta 2023-03-15T14:10:19+07:00 Muhammad Dzakky Imaduddin Ikhwani Anita Diana Wendi Usino Humisar Hasugian <p><em>This study describes the performance evaluation of top staff members of DKI Jakarta Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesiasai (KONI). Evaluation of the best employees is important for facilitating system-based objective decisions for selecting the best employees. If you hire the wrong people, the selection thinking of the organization will not be objective, so it will not be a hiring mistake. Issues encountered include lack of evaluation criteria for each employee, no existing employee evaluation process, no employee evaluation process, no data report, no employee evaluation and ranking report for each employee, etc. there is. Criteria used include attendance, quotas, tardiness and working hours.</em> <em>Since the criteria need to be weighted, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used. Use Method Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) to determine employee rankings for each criterion. The purpose of this study was to create a DSS with criteria and criteria to weight employee ratings and appraisals so that they could be assessed in more detail to review and share performance. reporting the results of employee evaluations. Under Employee Final Results (Ranking), you can see the ranking of each existing employee.</em></p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS Prediction of Rice Field Planted Area with CRISP-DM Using Classification and Regression Tree (Cart) Algorithms 2023-03-16T11:16:11+07:00 Elfina Novalia Apriade Voutama Garno <p><em>Every year the area of paddy fields in Karawang Regency has increased and decreased due to land conversion. Climate change also causes changes in the amount of rain and rain patterns that cause shifts in the beginning of the season and the planting period. If the decrease in planting area will be affected, then the price of rice will increase and farmers will maintain the area and not convert their rice fields to function, therefore a study was conducted to predict the rice planting area in order to know the description of the area of rice planted in Karawang Regency will increase. , decreased or stabilized. So the search for information on the data on the area of rice planting in Karawang Regency was carried out. A total of 180 data were processed using data mining techniques so that they could mine information from the data. Data mining is a technique of extracting or new discoveries from large data and then extracting the data into information that can later be used. Experiments were carried out using the CART algorithm and cross validation using the Weka tools. The results of the evaluation carried out can be concluded that the CART algorithm using different K values provides different evaluation results. The performance of the algorithm is seen from the accuracy, precision, recall and F-Measurement, thus providing different performance values for each result. The value of k=8 has the highest accuracy value, which is 90% with precision 0.918%, recall 0.906% and F-measure 0.949%.</em></p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS A Checkers Game based on Negamax Algorithm with Aplha Beta Pruning 2023-04-05T09:39:27+07:00 Fatmasari Rizky Tahara Shita Lauw Li Hin <p>Permainan Checkers merupakan salah satu permainan strategi dengan basis permainan papan (board game) dengan ukuran 8x8, dimainkan oleh dua pemain, dengan visualisasi kepingan bulatan, berjalan diagonal dan sebagai tujuannya, menghabiskan kepingan lawan. Walaupun Checkers terlihat seperti permainan logika sederhana jika dibandingkan dengan permainan strategi papan lainnya seperti catur, namun tetap memerlukan strategi logika. Permainan ini memang tidak terlalu dikenal dan tidak sering dimainkan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu harus dikemas dan dikembangkan dengan menarik agar lebih disukai. Rancangan aplikasi permainan ini dibuat pada intinya adalah mengasah logika murid – murid di SD Islam Al-Barkah. Jika sejak dini kemampuan logika juga diasah, maka bisa meningkatkan cara berfikir yang berujung pada peningkatan mutu. Algoritma yang digunakan dalam pembuatan permainan Checkers ini adalah algoritma Negamax With Alpha Beta Pruning sebagai algoritma pencarian langkah terbaik; dimana objektif dari algoritma ini adalah mencari masing – masing score dari node value yang dimikiki lalu dioptimasi dengan alpha beta Pruning untuk mempersingkat pohon pencarian dan menghasilkan bestscore sebagai keputusan langkah terbaik.</p> 2023-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATICS