EVALUASI KINERJA PROGRAM BANK SAMPAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN LINGKUNGAN BERSIH DAN KEBERLANJUTAN (Studi Kasus di Bank Sampah Assopiah, Dusun Sukamaju, Desa Sukamaju, Kecamatan Cihaurbeuti, Kabupaten Ciamis)


  • Nisa Novia Ramdini Universitas Siliwangi
  • Armiati Trijayanti Universitas Siliwangi
  • Muhamad Hilmansyah Universitas Siliwangi
  • Ibnu Dimas Mahargyo Universitas Siliwangi
  • Lilis Karwati Universitas Siliwangi


Performance evaluation of waste bank programmes is an important process in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of waste bank operations. Waste banks manage money and waste, by collecting, sorting and recycling waste for sale or recycling, their performance evaluation can be carried out by various methods and indicators, including financial, operational, social and environmental. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance evaluation of the waste bank programme in realising a clean and sustainable environment in Sukamaju Village Hamlet, Cihaurbeuti District, Ciamis Regency. Using qualitative research methods, with a case study approach. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research obtained are realising a clean and sustainable environment, the performance of the Assopiah Waste Bank management in Sukamaju Hamlet is one of the effective efforts in helping to reduce, manage and process waste. The Assopiah waste bank is expected to be sustainable so that education about waste and more concern for the environment of Sukamaju Hamlet is maintained. 

Keywords: Performance Evaluation, Waste Bank, Clean and Sustainable Environment


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Cara Mengutip

Ramdini, N. N., Trijayanti, A. ., Hilmansyah, M. ., Dimas Mahargyo, I. ., & Karwati, L. . (2024). EVALUASI KINERJA PROGRAM BANK SAMPAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN LINGKUNGAN BERSIH DAN KEBERLANJUTAN (Studi Kasus di Bank Sampah Assopiah, Dusun Sukamaju, Desa Sukamaju, Kecamatan Cihaurbeuti, Kabupaten Ciamis). JoCE (Journal of Community Education), 4(1), 1–7. Diambil dari https://journal.unsika.ac.id/index.php/joce/article/view/10245


