Journal History

Jurnal Wahana Karya Ilmiah Pendidikan which is published by Magister Islamic Religious Education, Singaperbangsa University Karawang quarterly published in June and December

Wahana Karya Ilmiah Pendidikan has recorded history as follows:

2017: First published in printed version by the Islamic Religious Education Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Singaperbangsa University, Karawang

2017 : Obtained p-ISSN 2548-8171 with SK Number ISSN 0005.25488171/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.01

2023: Obtain e-ISSN 2986-7487 with SK Number ISSN 29867487/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/05/2023

2024: Jurnal Wahana Karya Ilmiah Pendidikan submits the accreditation process for the first time