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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).
  • File naskah dalam format file dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, atau WordPerfect.
  • Ketika tersedia, URLs untuk referensi telah disediakan.
  • Teks 1 spasi; font 12; italic; tidak digaribawahi (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, figur, dan tabel yang ditempatkan di dalam teks pada poin yang tepat, jangan di akhir.
  • Teks yang mematuhi persyaratan mengenai perpustakaan dan gaya bahasa digambarkan secara garis besar di Petunjuk Penulis, yang akan ditemukan dalam halaman Tentang Kami.
  • Jika penerimaan untuk bagian peer-review dari jurnal, instruksinya terdapat di Memastikan Reviewer Anonim telah diikuti.

Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript is written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, including research outcomes, field research or literary research reflecting government, politics, and  communication phenomena.
  2. The manuscript is typed using Microsoft Word program on A4 size, around 5,000-8,000 words (excluding references) in Calibri size 12 pts and 1.5 space.
  3. The writing system for research outcome consists of:
    • Title - The title should not exceed 15 words; it should be clear, concise, and informative. Abbreviations should be avoided.
    • Name of the author - The name of the author is written without any academic degree, followed by the name of author’s institution, located under the title of the article. The authors must include his/her correspondence  email.
    • Abstract with keywords - The length of abstract is around 150-200 word, while the limit of keywords is 3-5 words. The abstract, at the least, must contain the aim, methods, and result on the research.
    • Introduction/Pendahuluan - The introduction should contain (sequentially) the general background and research question or hypothesis. If there is  literature review, it can be included in this chapter. The study objective should be written at the end of the introduction.
    • Methods/Metode Penelitian - The research methods should elaborate on the method utilized in addressing the issues including the method of analysis. It should contain enough details allowing the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of methods as well as the reliability and validity of findings.
    • Results/Hasil penelitian - The author should explain the results of research (what was discovered) in detail.
    • Discussion/Pembahasan - The research result and discussion section contain results of the research finding and their ensuing discussions. The finding acquired  from the results of the conducted research should be written with the supplementary support of adequate data. The research results and findings should be able to resolve or provide explanations to the question stated in the introduction.
    • Conclusion/Kesimpulan - The concluding statement should contain summary and suggestion. The summary should exemplify the answers provided to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or acquired findings. The summary should not contain repetition of research results and discussions, and it should instead contain a summation of research results and findings as expected in the research objective or hypothesis. The suggestions should present matters that will subsequently be conducted in relation to the research’s ensuing concepts.
    • References/Daftar Pustaka - All references cited in the text of the article should be written in the bibliography section. It should include references  obtained from primary sources (consisting of scientific journals amounting to 40% of the entire bibliography) that have been published in the last 10 (ten) years. The remaining 60% may include research articles or research reports  (thesis, books, and other relevant publications. All reference mentioned should be written down in reference using American Psychological Association (APA) style and arranged from A to Z. The editorial team recommends that authors use the reference manager tools such as Mendeley, Zotero, etc.
    • Tables and figures must have titles and have clear number and sources, and be typed in single space.
  4. All manuscripts are anonymously studied by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their expertise. The author is given a chance to revise the manuscript based on the reviewer’s or the editor’s recommendation/advice. The decision of publication or rejection will be informed through the author’s email address.
  5. The editor has the right to modify and correct the spelling, writing, and grammar of the published manuscript.
  6. Everything related to citing permission or computer software usage in writing the manuscript or any other things related to copyright done by the author, along with all its legal consequences, becomes the author’s full responsibility.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.