Exploring Motifs In Towe Songke, Manggaraian Ethnic Woven Fabric, In Mathematics Perspective


  • Alberta Parinters Makur Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng
  • Bedilius Gunur Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng
  • Bonefasius Rampung Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng




Connection between mathematical content and the cultures of learners
in mathematics education should be acknowledged and explored. This
research, conducted using a qualitative research approach, with
ethnographic methods, explored the relationship between formal
mathematics especially geometric patterns and Motifs of Manggarai
Ethnic Woven Fabric, known as Towe Songke in Cibal, Manggarai
Regency, a rural area in East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. Total 3
weavers of the age ranging from 20 to 40 selected based on their
weaving knowledge and communication skills. Data were obtained
through interviews, observations, field notes, and documentations.
The research resulted in how mathematics learning on subjects such as geometry and geometry transformation was associated with the local cultural context of Manggarai. This study identified the line symmetry and the effect of geometric transformations (translations,
reflections, rotation, and reflection) of several motifs in Towe Songke. Most of motifs which are found in Towe Songke forms Frieze Pattern F7 because these motifs can be seen as translation, horizontal reflection, vertical reflection and half turn rotation symmetry.



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How to Cite

Makur, A. P., Gunur, B., & Rampung, B. (2020). Exploring Motifs In Towe Songke, Manggaraian Ethnic Woven Fabric, In Mathematics Perspective. SJME (Supremum Journal of Mathematics Education), 4(2). https://doi.org/10.35706/sjme.v4i2.3457