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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


First Author1*, Second Author2, Third Author3, etc.

1First Author's Affiliation (Institution/University, etc.)
2Second Author's Affiliation (Institution/University, etc.)
3Affiliation of Third Author (Institution, University, etc.)

*Correspondence: first author's email


Type the English abstract here. The content of the abstract uses Times New Roman 10 font. The abstract consists of: main problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The abstract is written in one paragraph, without references, without abbreviations/acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstracts are written not in mathematical form, questions and conjectures. The abstract is not the result of copying and pasting sentences in the contents of the manuscript. The English abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words.



Type the Indonesian abstract here. The content of the abstract uses Times New Roman 10 font. The abstract consists of: main problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. The abstract is written in one paragraph, without references, without abbreviations/acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstracts are written not in mathematical form, questions and conjectures. The abstract is not the result of copying and pasting sentences in the contents of the manuscript. The contents of the Indonesian abstract must be a maximum of 250 words.


Keywords: Keyword one; Keywords two; Keywords three; etc. (English, minimum 3 keywords)


The contents of the introduction are the basic things or main issues behind the writing of the study, written in Times New Roman 11 font.


The content of the literature review is a description/theoretical basis of scientific theories related to the topic/subject matter of the study, written in Times New Roman 11 font. All theoretical sources cited in this chapter must be in the reference/bibliography list.


The content of the study method is data collection techniques, data sources, data analysis methods, correlation tests, and so on, written in Times New Roman 11 font. In this chapter, scientific formulas used in data analysis can also be included.


Contents of Results and Discussion

The contents of the results and discussion are written in Times New Roman 11 font. The results are not raw data, but data that has been processed/analyzed using established methods. Discussion is a comparison of the results obtained with the concepts/theories contained in the literature review. The contents of the results and discussion include statements, tables, pictures, diagrams, graphs, sketches, and so on.


The contents of the conclusion are written in Times New Roman 11. The conclusion is an overview of the research that has been carried out.


Suggestions and thanks are optional (if any), written in one paragraph in Times New Roman 11 font.


The contents of the bibliography are written in Times New Roman 11 font. The bibliography is a reference source that is used as material for quotations in writing the manuscript. Writing a bibliography uses the rules of The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). The number of reference sources used as a manuscript bibliography is a minimum of 10 scientific literature titles.

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