Evaluasi Daya Hasil Galur Mutan Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) Var. MS-Unsika Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Generasi M1


  • Muhammad Syafii Fakultas Pertanian Unsika






Sweet corn is a horticultural commodity that has a high carbohydrate source. The need for this commodity continues to increase every year. But, on the other hand production is still low. Therefore, efforts are needed to increase sweet corn production. One effort that can be done is to utilize nuclear technology. Utilization of nuclear techniques in maize plants, among others, is to improve the genetic traits of varieties through mutations with radiation. The aim of this study was to obtain sweet corn liness that have the character of the yield of sweet corn plants irradiated by gamma rays. The study was conducted on land owned by PT. Pertani from May to September 2019. The research method used was an experimental method with factorial randomized block design. The first factor is sweet corn line consisting of 5 levels, namely G1 (MS-02), G2 (MS-04), G3 (MS-06), G4 (MS-07), G5 (MS-08). The second factor is the dose of gamma ray radiation which consists of 4 levels, namely M0 (0 gray), M1 (100 gray), M2 (200 gray), M3 (300 gray), so there are 20 treatments. Each treatment was repeated 2 times. The results showed that sweet corn lines with gamma ray irradiation had a significant effect on all parameters observed. In general, the treatment of G1M1 (MS-02 lines + 100 gray gamma ray dose) gave the best effect on the yield parameters 3.49 kg / plot, the weight of the cob with a cobe of 214.25 grams, the weight of the cob without a kelobot of 154.70 grams , the diameter of the cob without the kelobot is 4.43 cm, and the length of the cob without the kelobot is 16.88 cm. Whereas the treatment of G5M0 (lines MS-08 + dose of gamma rays without radiation (0 gray)) gave the best effect on the diameter of the cob with a 4.98 cm cobe and the length of the cob with a 27.73 cm cobe And the treatment of G5M3 (lines MS-08 + gamma ray dose of 300 gray) gave the best effect on the sugar content parameter, 18,500Brix.


Keywords: MS-Unsika lines, sweet corn, irradiation, yield test.


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How to Cite

Syafii, M. (2023). Evaluasi Daya Hasil Galur Mutan Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) Var. MS-Unsika Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Generasi M1. Indonesian Journal of Agrotech, 8(1), 67–72. https://doi.org/10.33661/jai.v8i1.9730