Author Guidelines

BAROMETER is a journal covering all aspects of engineering disciplines published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang since 1998. Barometer published twice a year, in January and July

General Instructions for Article Writing 

  • The script is written in Indonesian language with a spelling that complies with the KBBI
  • The writing of foreign terms should be written in italics.
  • The manuscript is written in paper with a portrait orientation and the paper size is A4. The setup page format used is Top = 0.75", Bottom = 1.69", Left = Right = 0.56", Gutter = 0".
  • The layout of the script is Different odds and evens with Header = 0.5" and Footer = 0.5". Its vertical alignment is Top.
  • The paragraph writing format uses indentation with the first line 0.3", left = right = 0.
  • The total number of pages of the manuscript is a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 14 pages.
  • The first heading is a chapter of your research, written in a size of 10pt center with details of roman numerals, small caps, without bold and italic.
  • The distance from the heading of the first level to the paragraph is one space.
  • The headings at the second level are written using uppercase and lowercase letters. Headings are written left-aligned 10 pt with details using capital letters with hanging 3" without bold and italic.
  • Journal writing is done in doc or docx. Not allowed to send in pdf format
  • The rules for the preparation of chapters in this journal are: 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods, 3. Results and Discussions, and 4. Conclusions.
  • The figure is placed in the center of the page (center alignment) with a resolution that allows it to be clearly visible (the image is not blurred). The figure does not need to be framed and as much as possible uninterrupted. If the figure requires a large space, it can be created using a page without being divided into two columns with the rest of the page used for the content of the manuscript divided into two columns again. Each figure should be referenced in a paragraph as an explanation. Example, Figure 1 shows an example image. On each figure should be given a caption below the figure. Figure captions are written in lowercase except on the first character in each sentence. The writing is in the middle of the page (center) with a font size of 8 pt without bold and italic which begins with numbering using arabic numerals without dots. The figure caption should be visible directly below the image. The whole picture should be numbered in order.
  • The table is written on the left side (left alignment) with a minimum font size of 8 pt. The table is as uninterrupted as possible. If forced to be continued, title the column to the advanced table. The table is created not to exceed the margin limit. If the table requires a large space, it can be created by using a page without being divided into two columns with the rest of the page being used for the content of the manuscript divided into two columns again. Each table should be referred to in a paragraph as an explanation. For example, Table I shows an example of a table. The description on the table is written above the table with a font size of 8pt, small caps, centered, without bold and italic with the beginning of numbering using roman numerals. Captions on the table should be visible directly above the table.
  • Figures and tables and diagrams/schematics should be placed by columns between groups of text or if they are too large, they can be placed in the center of the page (one column).
  • Mathematical equations must be numbered sequentially starting from (1) to the end of the paper. The numbering should be prefixed and ended with an opening parenthesis and a closing parenthesis without dots. Add a blank one-line space above and below the equation. The size of the equation is 10 pt by inserting an equation to write a mathematical equation with a math style.

Specific Instruction for Article Writing

  • Articles are written using standard Indonesian according to enhanced spelling.
  • The abstract is written using Indonesian and English language with contains no more than 250 words.
  • Abtrak contains the problems to be raised, problem solving methods, results or findings, and conclusions obtained.
  • The title of the article should be written briefly and clearly; must pinpoint the issue to be raised; does not give opportunities for variegated interpretation; must not contain abbreviations of words that are not commonly used. Article titles are capitalized
  • Write the name of the author without a title and professional position such as Prof, Dr, production manager, etc. Don't abbreviate your last name/family. Always give your first and last name. Writing affiliates is clear of all authors. Affiliations include department/unit names, faculties, university names, addresses, countries. Please mention the Correspondent Author (including email address) by adding an asterisk (*) behind the name
  • The Introduction section clearly outlines the following: (i) the general background of the study; (ii) the state of the art (a brief literature review) of previous (similar) studies to justify the novelty of an article; (iii) gap analysis or novelty statement or unique difference of this study compared to previous studies; (iv) problems and/or hypotheses (if any); (v) the way of approaching the problem solving (if any); (vi) expected results or research objectives.
  • The Methods section or the procedure of research work has been clearly written so that the experiment or research can be repeated with the same results.
  • The Results and Discussions section contains: (i) (what/how) whether the data presented has been processed (not raw data), outlined in the form of tables or figures, and captioned easily understood?; (ii) (why) does the discussion section see a link between the results obtained and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses?; (iii) (what else) is there any conformity or opposition to the results of other people's research?; (iv) it is also suggested to be written about the implications of research results both theoretical and applicable.
  • The Conclusion Section contains briefly and clearly about: (i) simply answering the problem or purpose of the study; (ii) is also the conclusion of the author logically and honestly based on the facts obtained; (iii) may be added implications or suggestions (not mandatory).
  • The Conclusion section should be written in paragraph form, not in the form of list/numbering items.
  • The Bibliography section is correctly written according to the writing instructions and should use the Mendeley, Endnote, or Grammarly citation system.  All references referenced in the text of the article should be listed in the references section. References must contain at least 10 (ten) references from 80% of primary sources (scientific journals, conference processes, research reference books) published within 5 (five) years. And at least use 1 international journal reference.
  • Articles that are worthy of publication are those that meet the similarity index of less than 25% outside of bibiliography. 
  • Articles published in the Barometer Journal are free of charge

Basic principles of article editing

  • Don't make changes to existing templates.
  • Images and Tables should be referenced inside the text, and vice versa.
  • All libraries must be referenced inside the text, and vice versa.
  • Linguistic terms must be registered with the KBBI (if Indonesian) and Standard English Dictionary (if English).

Article Writing Instructions and templates in MS. Word (.doc): [download templates and author instructions in MS. Word here]