About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment) 
  2. Initials: Jurnal Speed
  3. Abbreviation: J. Speed (Sport. Phy. Educ. Emp)
  4. Frequency: 2 issues per year (May & November)
  5. DOI: Prefix 10.35706 by Crossref
  6. Online ISSN: 2621-6698
  7. Editor in Chief: Resty Gustiawati
  8. Publisher: Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  9. Index by: Sinta, Garuda, Google Scholar
Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical Education, Empowerment) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes physical education. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using a single-blind review method.

OAI Address: https://journal.unsika.ac.id/index.php/speed/oai

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Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 02 (2024): Jurnal Sport Physical Education and Empowerment
Published: 2024-12-01


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