Gambaran Deskriptif Produk Banana Roll Sebagai Camilan Sehat Masa Kini (Description of Banana Roll Product as a Healthy Snack)


  • Dini Khairunnisa Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Milliyantri Elvandari
  • Danisa Alifa Salsabila Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Muhammad Akhdiyatul Aein Institut Saiber Nusantara



Banana Roll  is an entrepreneurial product made as a healthy snack today. Banana Roll (pisgul) is a product made from processed bananas wrapped with spring roll skin and topped with toppings. This product is made from bananas that are ripe enough to have a sweet taste. The purpose of making Banana Roll is as a snack or healthy snack that has high nutritional value, and to use bananas as a food ingredient that is quite popular with people of all ages, from children to the elderly.

Keywords: banana, banana roll, entrepreneurship


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Cara Mengutip

Khairunnisa, D. ., Elvandari, M., Salsabila, D. A., & Aein, M. A. (2021). Gambaran Deskriptif Produk Banana Roll Sebagai Camilan Sehat Masa Kini (Description of Banana Roll Product as a Healthy Snack). Jurnal Gizi Dan Kuliner, 2(2), 32–38.