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About This Journal
Agrimanex Journal: Agribusiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension are journals published by Agribusiness Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Singaperbangsa Karawang collaborated with the Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI). The collaboration MoU can be downloaded here.
The Agrimanex Journal was preliminarily published in September 2020. This journal focuses on the study as well as development of Agricultural Socioeconomic Sciences and Agribusiness. The agribusiness itself is an agricultural-based business and agricultural system whose organization and management are rationally designed to obtain maximum commercial added value by producing goods and services demanded by the market through the process of biological transformation of biota (plant, livestock, fish), farming process, post-harvest, cultivation and commerce. Furthermore, the rural management is the village's ability to manage human resources in terms of community and natural resources according to the characteristics of the village. The development counselling turns out as activity of process of social, economic and political transformation to empower and strengthen community capabilities through a teamwork learning process. Therefore, there can be expected that there are changes occurred of all stakeholders’ behavior (individuals, groups, institutions) involved in the development process in order to have a better, empowered, independent and dynamic life in terms of welfare and sustainability.
The Agrimanex Journal examines three scientific points in accordance with the development of science and technology in Indonesia.
This journal is published twice in a year, every March and September.
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Pengelola Jurnal Agrimanex: Agribussiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension
Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Alamat Redaksi:
Jalan HS Ronggo Waluyo, Pasurjaya, Teluk Jambe Timur, Kabupaten Karawang, 41361
Tel / fax : 026-7641177 / 026-7641177
Jurnal Agrimanex: Agribusiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.